We offer performance diagnostics for your child in order to determine whether the respective type of school is over- or under-challenged. This is where your child’s strengths and weaknesses become clear.
In addition to psychotherapy for your child, we also offer diagnostics for reading and writing disorders (LRS) and/or dyscalculia (arithmetic disorders). The LRS diagnostics is recognized to achieve compensation for disadvantages at school and is important for targeted support.
We use K-ABC II for performance diagnostics (intelligence test/IQ test). This test is the latest standard. It is the most up-to-date, scientifically recognized method for measuring the intelligence of children and young people.
It is determined using index values of the overall IQ. The individual sub-tests make it possible to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the child/adolescent. This makes it possible to support the child/adolescent accordingly and to receive suitable advice for their further professional career.
The intelligence test will be evaluated by us and then an evaluation interview will take place with you as the parents. In this conversation we will discuss the results and the behavioral observation with you. In addition, if you deem it appropriate, you will be provided with your child’s IQ or percentile rankings. This value reflects your child’s performance during the test. He is a quantity that is not static. IQ/percentage ranks may change through developmental spurts and promotion. However, the multidimensional performance diagnostics we use gives an overview of your child’s strengths and weaknesses.
In addition to performance diagnostics, there are also diagnoses regarding emotional stress and advice on whether psychotherapy or other measures such as occupational therapy or speech therapy are recommended. It is also possible that you will receive appropriate recommendations so that the payers will cover the costs of the corresponding treatments.